We have finished projects this year due to your generosity and the generosity of others. You're amazing supporters!
● Addition of a safety railing on the mid-trail
● We Energies Foundation Healing Garden improvements and repairs
● Mulch on Lake & Nature Trails and tree maintenance
● Staining of bird deck and other cedar elements
● Maintenance on the Reiman Healing Chapel including security system
We've seen an increase in visitor and program attendance. The Conservancy is used by more people every week, including local students who utilize us as their outdoor classroom. Thank you!
Programs include:
"Unplug & Recharge", cancer support group, birding & ecology education, local churches, retreats for healthcare and school district employees. Last month, we held suicide prevention training for local health departments and non-profits. We are grateful to play a role in our community's well-being.
Sustainers: those who believe in our purpose, programs and role we play in the community. Those who value an "investment" in a mission. Those who love visiting and bring others -- you're proud to show it off.
Announcing the Conservancy VIP Member Program.
We invite you to join. With a $2,000 annual gift, you receive:
● “VIP Only” Conservancy After Dark thank you event
● Preview of strategic plans and community impact
● Private guided nature therapy event or other program of your choice
● Exclusive Conservancy VIP traveler mug
● And finally… ensuring the future of our mission and purpose
As a sustainer, Conservancy VIP Members will directly support our future improvements and goals. Join a family of recurring supporters. Your generosity makes a difference.
For those who really want to make a difference and benefit thousands each month, please join today.
Your membership will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your $2,000 annual gift as a Sustainer ensures our mission and programs continue.
Copyright © 2018 Conservancy for Healing and Heritage - All Rights Reserved.
PO Box 320305
Franklin WI 53132